[Quantum-Note] Putinism : Hope For the World

[EXTREMELY IMPORTANT NOTICE] The "Like" numbers for popular comments are being manipulated, suppressed, censored, rigged, etc. I was double-checking the comments section of various videos to copy/paste the text but, upon loading up the videos and scrolling down through the comments section, I noticed that many of them seemed to have disappeared or gone missing or have much fewer likes than the reality. Normally, when a comment has a very high rating of likes and popularity, they will usually be easy to locate, generally towards the top of the comments section if not the very top. I tend to name my files a certain way, for purposes of making it easier to track the information, and as a protocol to keep my methods as well-organized as possible.

Fortunately, I have managed to obtain screenshots of several very eye-opening and/or revealing comments before such censorship/suppression happened, but it is clear to me and anybody else who is not brain-washed into being a self-destructive biological-robot that deceptive forces are in operation. A lot of evidence for these manipulations of data and information can be seen and learned from a YouTube channel called Barnone11970. I mentioned in the previous paragraph that my protocol of naming files is done for the purpose of tracking and being organized. Towards the bottom of this page, you will see various numbers that are hyperlinks to screenshots of popular comments and, within the name of the image file, I also put the referring link within parentheses. For example, the first one, with +1488 thumbs of approval, contains q-pUHYXRvIk within the name of the file, meaning that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-pUHYXRvIk is the original link to the video from where I obtained said screenshot of comment. Try to find said comment now.

Also, EVERYBODY needs to become familiar with what is called Astro-Turfing, and Sock-Puppet Accounts that are used to perpetuate deception. Yes, fellow brothers and sisters, such things as shills and rogue de facto corporate government agencies do exist to spread lies and disinformation. Anyway, I will go into more detail on these things when I have more free time to write more pages and articles, because Truths MUST be repeated FREQUENTLY in order to COUNTER against the extremely repetitive dishonesties of misinformation/disinformation. For now, this section is being re-designed for a proper reflection of Putinism updates, and articles are to soon/eventually have pages of their own.

[Pending: 020TL??m??d] ISIS financed from 40 countries, incl G20 members – Putin (FULL SPEECH)

[Pending: 020TL??m??d] Putin reacts to Trump victory as he speaks at ceremony to welcome new ambassadors (Streamed Live)

[Pending: 020TL??m??d] BREAKING: Putin says Russia now 'ready and willing' to restore full relations with the USA

[Update: 020TL11m13d] Putin Just Made a HUGE Request of Trump

Many very interesting quotes related to Vladimir Putin can often be found on YouTube in the comments section. Screenshots will be obtained for comments where many viewers have given their thumbs up in agreement/approval. The ideal format or layout of this Putinism section has not yet been decided, but we will start with a screenshot. The comments will also be transcribed (copied and pasted rather) for easier search engine visibility. The copying and pasting or transcriptions will also be for purposes of allowing the machine translator to translate the comments. The date of each screenshot will also be indicated for purposes of keeping track of when a comment was written. The one seen below was taken on the 31st of October in the year 2016CE. A transcription of the below comments will be added here in a future update.

YouTube Comment Screenshot

Note: Due to the amount of work that I need to do, it is necessary for me to limit editing time for this web-site if/when possible. When I have everything re-organized into a more optimum manner, I should be able to resume working on updates and designing pages as intended. For now, I will list various screen-captures by number of "Likes" during the time of screen capture. They will be listed below this paragraph, and clicking them will open in a new tab:

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State." – Joseph Goebbels

"The most effective method to use against propaganda is the exact same method that is used to perpetuate such propagandas; repetition: therefore, repeat the TRUTH enough times and often enough, and eventually the lies will be exposed for what they are, even if it takes a full five years for you to start seeing any results." – Aéius C. Cercle